Kandeer School is a School for Specific Purposes which assists students from the Albury Network Area who are at risk of or are disengaged from regular mainstream schooling due to a background of trauma or emotional difficulties. Classes range from Years 5 to 10. Students are referred to Kandeer from their home school via the Learning and Wellbeing Team's Placement Panel Process.
Our mission is, "To make a positive difference in the lives of our students by empowering them to make appropriate choices."
The school provides each student with a Personalised Learning Support Plan which incorporates an Individualised Education Plan and Behaviour Support Plan. In conjunction with this we provide high quality and engaging education programs which follow the mainstream NESA curriculum.
Our key focus areas for the school are the enhancement of classroom practice, improved student social and behavioural outcomes, the ability to understand and cater for challenging behaviours, and understanding and providing support for students who have experienced trauma.
We value a teamwork approach to the students' education and encourage parent/carer and community involvement in our educational programs.
We know that our students learn from hands-on experience and we offer practical skills and the opportunity to participate in community based programs. We aim to successfully transition our students into mainstream settings, TAFE or the workforce.
The success of our motto, 'Learning to Grow,' is not only determined by our students experiencing success in all aspects of the program, but also from growing personally.