Students attending the primary class at Kandeer School attend a home school for half their school week. Students are able to be enrolled in the primary class beginning in grade 5 with consultation from their home school and other stakeholders. The primary classroom at Kandeer School is very different from a mainstream setting, we have very small class sizes and focus on understanding the students emotional and social needs. We have more time for our highly trained staff to support students one on one in key learning areas.
The primary class focuses on improving students literacy and numeracy skills through catered lessons focusing on strengthening key concepts. Students also engage with a variety of opportunities to improve their social skills, through small group work activities and explicit teaching of values. Our students learn valuable social and emotional skills by engaging in explicit social skills lessons, structured play, sports and excursions.
Students in the primary class are also privileged to engage with many of the programs on offer at Kandeer School.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Project- Students attend garden and cooking lessons weekly with our expert kitchen and gardening staff. They attend to the watering, fertilising and planting of the fresh produce. They then use their fresh produce to cook mouth watering meals with our cooking teacher in our fully equipped kitchen.
Science and Technology- Students experience hands on and pratical lessons in Science and Technology. Students enjoy the opportunity to participate in science experiments and build projects in the workshop using wood and leather.
Below are a few photo's of our students engaging in activities on offer at Kandeer School